For a greater part of this week, I've been bathing at Manzini. The reason being, no running water at home. What on earth is going on in this town?!? We are sinking to Lagos standards very quickly (and quietly too). So everymorning, we troop out of the house into the Motos, armed with flip flops, towels, and buckets (amid other things). Whereforth art thou oh beach???
On thursday last, El padre did his thang, and moved the house (contents, of course) all by himself (and with some assistance from his beloved babe), a whole 24hours early. Imagine my surprise when I had to get moto from brova at the house for midweek service, and I saw my bed, dresser and other sturves settled in the new place already. And I said to myself: "Self, this has Mr. Valentine written alllll over this". Xandra's first concern was locating her Passport. I secondarily confirmed mine was still in my possession. After I had primarily confirmed that the money I left in my dresser was still mine, and located the money I left on the bedside thingy was still alive. Madre ever so kindly returned it to me (after hoping she had hit some mini-jackpot. Amen to that!)
So the girl has officially changed residency. Location not late-night-out-and-still-return-home-at-oddest-hours-compatible, but that cannot be helped. Will have to work my way around that. For now, one must dash to the airport, braving the wet roads and crater-holes, to pick man.