Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Break In a Nutshell

It was the day before christmas, and all was quiet. Nary a creature stirred on the streets - unless of course you count those massive local rodents claiming "rat" which I've never seen alive; usually, they're stretched out on a stick, sun-dried, and sold as bush meat. They also tend to be bigger, and have no mental association whatsoever with sewage, filth, or epidemics, among other things.

Where was I? Yes, the streets empty of people. That could have been a function of several factors:
1) it being a public holiday on a long weekend so a good number of people had had a late night,
2) the merciless sun beating down its heat, which is in turn trapped by the layer of harmattan that's currently reigning supreme, or perhaps
3) the on-going fuel crisis which was recently further aggravated by the alleged oil-tanker-drivers'-restrike.
Only God can save us from ourselves. Heaven only knows why we don't let the local refineries function (Greed, maybe?). I understand it could be much worse, but really, it's so terrible the way things are currently. The Lord is our strength.
Spent the early afternoon putting up the final bits of xmas decor yet to go up (the timing was progressive. Two years back, we put the tree up on boxing day), the latter part was spent shopping for foodstuff to entertain the masses who would opt to refuse staying home and impose their society on me instead. Was rather beat by the end of that day.

Christmas Mass was fun! The choir was absent (as ususal) cos they were up for the Midnight mass, and the One-Lady Choir was notably not present either. I actually thought it was going to be a drag music-wise, but one of the alter boy-men persons handled the hymns and it was rather lively (he kept the tempo up. Amen for that!). Even the Mother was much impressed. Then there was cookfest. I can proudly say that I can now make Chinese fried rice. Woo hoo! And may I add that fried rice is actually nicer than Jambalaya. Or perhaps that one just tasted really nice. Of course I wasn't eating properly over the holiday - a consistent diet of next to no food, combined with tonnes of toffees, chocolate, ice-cream and cake. For shame, for shame. Tut tut tut.
*Possibly +1"?*

Myself & I then proceeded to unrepentantly sleep through the daylight hours of 26th & 27th. Even for me, that was new heights. And I still had no problem sleeping through the nights. My body's just so willingly acclimatized to extended sleep hours cos I woke up at 8:15am today and proceeded to be somewhat late for work. Its amazing how I was just lying there for so long subconciously waiting for Mumzy to come wake me up (who, by the way, is out of town). Meanwhile, it was so bright outside. I sha no try. But the sleep was sweet.

I so did not want to resume work. Yet here we are. And Big Boss is trying to pull a wotsit on me, saying I should decide whether or not we should open this saturday. I must now diplomatically put my will (which is in line with everyone else's here. HELLO! No WORK!) such that the paper trail does not clearly lead back to me all by myself. I shall put the suggestion to all staff concerned, and decision will be made by joint consensus, at which point I shall report the minutes of the meeting to the Boss Man.

I crack myself up.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Does the body proportion thing actually dictate that the neck measurement should be half your waist? Cos if it does, I've quite a bit of hanger-ons with long-time residency status'. Yet how exactly do I go about losing 4 inches from my midsection without turing unhealthy-waferlike (and I mean just that, not waife)???

After all this time, girl is still caught-up on her weight. Shall I ever outgrow this train of thinking? Xandra and co. all opine that I rather overdo it, but then, all I have to do is look at my family to know that I should not let myself get complacent with regards to my weight. And I know only how easy it is to pile on the pounds.

Ok. On to more "generally acceptable" things. I just may be going to SA for (part of) the World Cup. H*U*R*R*A*H!!!!! That is, if I have not started school yet (in Malay or Australia! God-willing!!!!). Life looking up some more? Amen to that.

Need I go into details of this year's Wedding Season? I've known at least one broom-jumper every week this month, sometimes two. And I'm seeing one or two possibilities for next year already. Eyah. More bliss to their elbows. As for myself, I wouldn't mind a sumbori, but it's something I can live without for now. Hopefully, one of the siblings will get hitched, and scratch the Parents' itch for evidence of "forward movement in that direction".