My latest preoccupation? Farmville on facebook. I don't even know how it happened. Ok, yes I do. TwinB has been farming for a bit, and I used to tease her ever so much on how she'd panic about harvest times, and withered crop and such. Then I thought, 'what the heck, why not?', and now we check up on each others farms, chase off racoons, crows and foxes, and let each other know when our profit will not be so profitable. Take now for instance. I left my house (where no light was an additional motivation) at almost half 8, to swing by the office where I am now waiting on my harvest lest they perish, (and my money with it). I think it was more of trying for some damage control, and who do I run into here.? TwinB! Ha!! Admittedly, it's all kinds of silly, but it is still silly fun.
Talking about FB, its amazing how serious people take status updates - both the declarants, and the commenters. Back in school, to pass time, I'd sing along to songs in my head, and sometimes write out the lyrics. In this technologically updated era, why not apply that where possible? So I do sometimes update my status to the lyrics of what I'm currently listening to. Turns out there are repercussion, albeit amusing ones - from the past interest who feels inspired to console you some, to thec friends eager to know if time don land (which they will do with or without FB, yes), to aspirants who choose to interprete the world "positively, as applies to them". Seriously people. Like today, I bumped into my J. Holiday 'It is yours', and took a stroll down memory lane to a time when I had a crush on him (pre-enlightenment, of course. And maturity). Being the generous soul that I are, I decided to share my joy with the world at large, and updated a line onto my status bar. Good heavens. That's all I can say.
Oddly enough, the office is yet to close, thanks to tardy patients who just don't show up when they ought to. Or perhaps it's due to over generous doctors who take the staff's generosity and silence for granted as well. Whatever happened to all the "be considerate of all staff" that was gone on about during the last staff meeting??? Quite a number of disgruntled staff over here right now.