Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Every day's a Good Day

Sunrise. Sunset. Breathe in. Breathe out. Eat. Work. Sleep.

It's ever so easy to get lost in the monotony of things. Maybe it's just me, being stuck in a room all day fighting schoolwork, but I'm wondering yet again - is this what I really want to do?

**Here's hoping my educational benefactor does not know what a blog is. Much less read any**

I can't help thinking the conventional 9 - 5 may not necessarily be what I want to commit myself to, but really what is the alternative and how do I get started on that? Anyone know of any how-to book titled along the lines of "Starting A Career Up From Something You Love But Are Not So Passionate About That It Keeps You Up At Night"? If yes, please direct me accordingly.

When I started writing this, I was slipping ever so gently into a down-cycle. Some prayer, less company and a pot of yoghurt (PLUS gym time, egusi, and 6 hrs later), I am much buoyed. So much so, in fact, that I'm contemplating watching Glee and calling it a night. [See 'The Rejuvenative Powers Of Sleep'. ;) ]

Another day, another dollar. Thank You Father for Your mercies. And just incase you missed it (amid all my plenty arbitrary ramblings), the moral of today's story is that funks - like diet start-ups, will come and go. The important thing is that you look back to your motivation and purpose, and recharge.
So do I know what I'm going to do with my life, and how I'm going to get to the "Start Line"? Absolutely not. But what I have remembered is that I'm not randomly living from moment to moment. I have a purpose. And I believe that working with that in line will have everything else fall in place in good time.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord! she's back!! now i can read le actual post

Anonymous said...

Yes .. everything good will come, your path will unfold as God leads you. Keep asking these questions they help you grow