Friday, April 3, 2009

Today I Met The Man I'm Gonna Marry.....

The girl is officially in Like.
He is soooooo cute. I could stare at his picture all day. I've just realised that I've so mostly shenked most of my "man friends" over the past month. lol!
I can't believe its just been a month. It feels longer. And I actually do want to spend all my time with him. Honestly, I strongly feel I should, at least while the feeling lasts, before he starts grating on my nerves with silly inconsequentials that shouldn't really matter.
Well, he's been gone a week, and I'm doing just fine. I know I won't realise how much I've missed him until we see. I'm actually contemplating pushing my leave till when next he gets off so I'm free. (Not like HE will be free for me sef. I should find a something to do with myself. A nice, leisurely, enjoyable something).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

giggles...dunno wat to say save this has brightened up a rather cloudy mood...and i want you to have these rosy moments!!!