Thursday, June 11, 2009

Return of the Rat

Vermin is back. And with a vengeance too.

I don't know what it is with this house, and the Rat thing. And this one is just sooo fully grown, and black and .... URGHHHHH!!!!! It's absolutely scandalous the way it just showed up and made itself right at home - helping itself to my avocadoes, tramping over my bed to get in next door (via the communal window - which was oh-so-dodgily constructed. Well, now I know how it may have gotten IN). Yet, I don't think anyone's as pissed at it right now as le Pere. Ratatat keep nicking his boxers, socks, shoelaces, hankerchiefs, etc, all freshly washed and/or ironed, and spread out on his bed to be put away. He actually stuck his hand under the tub and got some out. That was just gangster. I'd have let them go.

But back to the issue underfoot. (Yes, I really do crack myself up). How do we get rid of this issue for good?!?!?

Thanks goodness we're moving out come September.

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